Vertical Cabling Toolkit
MyConnectivity has created a toolkit to help property managers and landlords understand what is needed when installing cabling for ultra-high-speed broadband in a residential building.
Even though 80% of Luxembourg buildings are linked to future-proof cabling, not everyone living in an apartment building has access to ultra-high-speed broadband, as some buildings are missing a vertical cabling infrastructure which connects the fibre or cable end point in the basement with apartments or rooms on the upper levels.
That is despite legislation requiring all residential apartment buildings constructed or renovated after 31 December 2016 to be equipped with at least one vertical fibre-optic cable and one vertical coaxial cable. And it is crucial as by 2030 the old copper network, which is gradually being phased out, will become completely obsolete.
Proper Planning
The MyConnectivity toolkit is aimed at helping building owners and apartment block managers predict the challenges, as well as the opportunities, that come with ensuring that their building is properly equipped to allow each tenant to have access to ultra-high-speed broadband cabling, if they so wish.
“Housing managers and owners can decide if they connect all apartments in one go or individually. explains Julian Larios, technical director at MyConnectivity. “ No one is obliged to connect all apartments in a single shot. However, it is best to plan as if you would connect everyone, because you need to install sufficient cables, or at least ensure there is sufficient space for future cables.”
Creative budgeting
What’s more, the costs can be divided in creative ways, Larios adds. For instance, property managers can cover the costs for the complete installation of the required cabling, or they can pay for a floor-by-floor distribution, with individual landlords or tenants then paying for the cost of installation from the hallway to their apartment. This is particularly useful if one tenant or landlord decides they do not want or need ultra-high-speed broadband. “This avoids one person blocking the entire project,” Larios explains.
Communication Tool
The toolkit’s website also allows property managers or professionals to contact MyConnectivity to book a meeting or receive training on a specific topic.
Are you an owner or manager, or owner, of a residential building? MyConnectivity can answer your questions and supply more information about installing very high-speed broadband in your building. Contact MyConnectivity and take a look at the Toolkit.